Friday, February 26, 2010

The new welder works like a CHAMP!

We have been with out a welder for two weeks, but yesterday Bill and I went over to Northern Tool and Equipment and picked up the new welder, which doubles as a MIG and stick, AND has a high frequency transformer/switching power supply in it, so it only weights about 40 lbs! I got started using it today to make the bar joists that will go between the arms of the under-carriage, on the inside. They will provide wracking stability, and probably help support the water tanks and batteries as well. The batteries weight 520 lbs, and we will have capacity to carry/collect 100 gallons of water. Since water weights 8 lbs/gallon it's gonna be heavy! These are a very efficient way of bearing loads with out adding a lot of weight to the structure.

Using my friend, the hoist, to move the aft end member into position.
Sweet bead!
Splice plates clamped and ready to be tack welded.
Stack of coins.

Port side
Starboard side

By the end of the day...
...there is a 32' long object in the drive way.
Tomorrow, welding the bar joists and bumper into place!
The chassis is finished! Ready to paint!

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