I have been making notes for a novel with pop-up illustrations titled "Light and Smoke" for several years, and now those notes have fed into the rough draft of the text. I am traveling to British Columbia now for a family celebration, and when I return I'll go under the knife. While I am recovering I will write the second draft.
I think that this blog is finished. I have built my house, but adventures of moving it around will happen who knows when. I hope I will be able to walk again. Having my home to live and heal in is a simple and amazing grace. I guess this is the climax of the adventure this blog was about. I am still alive and able to thrive and be creative even under the most difficult and painful circumstances. Thanks for reading, and visit www.egretion.blogspot.com for other creative work.
All the best. Peace, Love and Relentless Fucking Optimism.