Thursday, March 14, 2013

Learning about Fund-raising

I am wrestling my mind and heart around the option of on-line fundraising for the solar equipment and honey comb sub-flooring for my home. I have what is called "slow-credit" and can't get traditional loans. I have only ever worked for what I have and spent what I had, never gone into any kind of debt, and I have a huge streak of independence.. so I rarely ask for help unless I REALLY REALLY need it. One thing though that I want dearly to learn surrounded by the stability of my own home is how to be less independent, how to ask for what I need and want, to give and receive... The thought of making clothes and pop-up books for people who want to donate to an Indiegogo campaign is thrilling, but I have huge anxiety about how to get my heart in the right place to ask. I know that I am going to do it, step by step, create the campaign, promote it and see how it goes. I just watched this amazing video Ted Talk by Amanda Palmer on the art of asking

My friend David is coming to the trailer on Tuesday to help me make the video, and I am writing to business and individuals asking for support in promoting the campaign. If you would like to help me, please let me know.

Isn't money really the best tool for metaphor. People use it all over the world to share our ideas and shape our collective reality, and more than anything I observe that it is used as the expression of our deep desire to co-operate. Aside from being extremely useful it can also be very spiritual.

I was walking in the forest on St. Patrick's day with my dog and I found $144 lying on the path!
What better song could there be for such an event?!
"Everybody has Got Something to Hide Except for Me and My Monkey!" by The Beatles
"Come on and set your joy, come on and set your joy, come on and take it easy come on and take it easy! Your outside is in when your inside if out, the higher you fly the deeper you go, so come on! Everybody has got something to hide except for me and my Monkey!"

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