Sunday, July 24, 2011

Slowly but surely... progress on the siding

As seems to be the pace of this project I can't get it built fast enough to keep my belongings dry.. been living in my tent on and off for two years this August, but slowly but surely I am getting the siding installed. The stainless steel screws I need to use to attach the aluminum siding through to the steel framing are quite expensive.. so I am on hold until some more funds come to buy them.
This is one of two "designer/custom/fancy-shamncy" gas door people with trucks are buying for decoration. I bought two to use as openings in the sides of the trailer behind which will be spigots for getting water out of the in-board tanks. This one will tap the kitchen grey water tank, and I have an extra pump I can install inside too so if one day I have some plants, or a garden on the low side of the roof I can water with the grey water. The other door will go at the back to get cleaned water from the final tank. They do look good.
In the meantime I got the start of the copper panels back from Julie Merrill in Asheville. I need to get some money to her also to keep working, but I love the texture she embossed into the scraps I had collected.


  1. Wow, nice! This might actually look very good when you finish it! Wish you luck. :)

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  2. Thanks for the compliment! I taught a pirate camp class two days this week, and got paid to build a pirate ship out of cardboard... so I went to the hardware store and bought more supplies and this weekend I can get back to work! It's gonna look sweet with the solar panels on the high side of the roof when I get to that point! Really though, thanks again for the mojo - it helps as much as the money to buy supplies.
