Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Relentless Optimism

I must be stubborn as a moose to go find jobs I'm not cut out for, that are totally outside my field, where I am under-paid and that takes time away from what I am meant to be doing: making recycled clothes (see and
I did my taxes, working these 4 crappy jobs I made $8,000.00 last year.

But! that's money into roof over my head that I don't owe anybody for, that will be self sufficient, not be fueled by destructive forces, and shelter my creative talents, my family and I hope much generosity, humanitarian and environmental work for the rest of my life!

Relentless Optimism!!!

I have also been working on an order of my signature burlap pants
for a shop in Arizona called Paris Montana, and since burlap is so messy to work with I have been set up in the garage, just looking @ the trusses that are waiting to be through bolted. Pretty much all the supplies are acquired to assemble the trusses and then the roof, and the siding, I just need to make a trip to Cartersville to buy the furring channel we will use to gang them together. I have been chronically under-estimating time required lately, which is rather dis-heartening. The boring routine of a straight job is like a cherry on the top of the perseverance Sunday..... everyday .

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